Netiquette & Technology Policies


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What's in Your Digital Footprint?


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According to, “Netiquette is short for "Internet etiquette." Just like etiquette is a code of polite behavior in society, netiquette is a code of good behavior on the Internet. This includes several aspects of the Internet, such as email, social media, online chat, web forums, website comments, multiplayer gaming, and other types of online communication.”


While there is no official list of netiquette rules or guidelines, the general idea is to respect others online. Below are ten examples of rules to follow for good netiquette:


  • Avoid posting inflammatory or offensive comments online (a.k.a flaming). 
  • Respect others' privacy by not sharing personal information, photos, or videos that another person may not want published online.
  • Never spam others by sending large amounts of unsolicited email.
  • Show good sportsmanship when playing online games, whether you win or lose.
  • Don't troll people in web forums or website comments by repeatedly nagging or annoying them.
  • Stick to the topic when posting in online forums or when commenting on photos or videos, such as YouTube or Facebook comments.
  • Don't swear or use offensive language.
  • Avoid replying to negative comments with more negative comments. Instead, break the cycle with a positive post.
  • If someone asks a question and you know the answer, offer to help.
  • Thank others who help you online.
  • The Internet provides a sense of anonymity since you often do not see or hear the people with whom you are communicating online. But that is not an excuse for having poor manners or posting incendiary comments. While some users may feel like they can hide behind their keyboard or smartphone when posting online, the fact is they are still the ones publishing the content. Remember – if you post offensive remarks online and the veil of anonymity is lifted, you will have to answer for the comments you made.


In summary, good netiquette benefits both you and others on the Internet. Posting a positive comment rather than a negative one just might make someone's day.


Christensson, P. (2017, December 30). Netiquette Definition. Retrieved 2020, Feb 1, from


Are you curious how good your knowledge of proper Nettiquite is? Take the quiz at the link below!


Netiquette Quiz


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Cyberbullying by a The School student directed toward another TS student or school staff member is conduct that disrupts both a pupil’s ability to learn and a school’s ability to educate its pupils in a safe environment.

TS prohibits acts of cyberbullying by TS students through the use of any TS owned, operated, and supervised technologies. The school principal or designee may report allegations of cyberbullying to law enforcement authorities.

Any act online, the Internet or through electronic devices (cellular phones, tablets) that deliberately threatens, harasses, intimidates an individual or group of individuals; places an individual in reasonable fear of harm to the individual or damage to the individual’s property; has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school is considered cyberbullying.

Any student or school staff member that believes he/she has or is being subjected to cyberbullying, as well as any person who has reason to believe a student or school staff member has knowledge or reason to believe another pupil or school staff member is being subjected to or has been subjected to cyberbullying shall immediately make a report to the school principal
or designee.

TS has a zero tolerance against cyberbullying and each reported instance will be handled in accordance with district, local and state rules, policies and guidelines.

Stop Bullying Home Page. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Cyber-bullying Facts – Top 10 Forms of Cyber Bullying


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Internet Safety Tips for Teens - Helpful AND Funny

Social Media Policy:

At The School, teachers, students, staff, and other school community members use social networking/media (Twitter, Facebook, blogs, etc.) as a way to connect with others, share educational resources, log Global Studies travel experiences, create educational content, enhance the classroom experience, and network within and outside of the school community. While social networking is fun and valuable, there are some risks we need to keep in mind when using these tools. In the social media world, the lines are often blurred between what is public or private, personal or professional.

Social media refers to online tools and services that allow any Internet user to create and publish content. Many of these sites use personal profiles where users post information about themselves. Social media allows those with common interests to share content easily, expanding the reach of their ideas and work. Popular social media tools include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, blogs, YouTube and Flickr to name a few.

Below are guidelines to follow when members of the school community (students, faculty, administrators, and staff) are representing The School in social media spaces, regardless of whether these are considered professional or personal spaces.

Use good judgment

  • We expect good judgment in all situations. Behave in a way that will make you and others proud and reflect well on the school.
  • Know and follow the school’s Community of Respect and Responsible Computer Use Policy 
  • Regardless of your privacy settings, assume that all of the information you have shared on your social network is public information.

Be respectful

  • Always treat others in a respectful, positive, and considerate manner.

Be responsible and ethical

  • Because you represent the school, please stick to discussing only those school-related matters that are within your area of responsibility.
  • Adults should be open about their affiliation with the school and the role/position they hold.
  • If you are someone’s peer, interact with them online if you are so inclined. If you are an employee thinking about interacting with a student, consider the following questions before proceeding. What is the purpose of my interaction with a student? (If it is not related to your classroom activities, reconsider using a social network.) What is the social network in which I propose to interact with a student? (If the social network in question has limited professional applications – Facebook, for instance – reconsider using that social network.) If you are uncertain how to proceed, consult your division head.
  • Share and interact in a way that will enhance your reputation, the reputation of others, and the reputation of the school, rather than damage them.

Be a good listener

  • Keep in mind that one of the biggest benefits of social media is that it gives others another way to talk to you, ask questions directly, and share feedback.
  • Be responsive to others when conversing online. Provide answers, thank people for their comments, and ask for further feedback, etc.

Be accurate and appropriate

  • Check all work for correct use of grammar and spelling before posting.
  • A significant part of the interaction on blogs, Twitter, Facebook, and other social networks involves passing on interesting content or sharing links to helpful resources. However, never blindly repost a link without looking at the content first.

            And if you don’t get it right ...

  • Be sure to correct any mistake you make immediately, and make it clear what you’ve done to fix the mistake.
  • Apologize for the mistake if the situation warrants it.
  • If it’s a major mistake (e.g., exposing private information or reporting confidential information), please let your division head or supervisor know immediately so the school can take the proper steps to help minimize the impact it may have.

Be confidential

  • Do not publish, post, or release information that is considered confidential or private. Online “conversations” are never private.
  • Use caution if asked to share your birth date, address, and cell phone number on any website.

Respect private and personal information

  • To ensure your safety, be careful about the type and amount of personal information you provide.
  • Avoid talking about personal schedules or situations.
  • Never share or transmit personal information of students, parents, faculty, staff, or colleagues online.
  • While taking care when posting to safeguard people’s privacy, be sure – as necessary and appropriate – to give proper credit to sources. In cases of doubt, privacy should be the default.
  • Generally use only first names of students. There may be special circumstances where a student is widely known for a particular achievement, in which case the use of the full name may be appropriate. Always respect the privacy of school community members.

Post images with care

  • Respect brand, trademark, copyright information and/or images of the school.
  • Do not caption photos with the names of current students.
  • Do not post photos of students who are on the “Do Not Photo” list.

Anderson, S. (n.d.). How to Create Social Media Guidelines for Your School. Retrieved February 9, 2020, from