Equitable Digital Access

-Equitable Digital Access refers to the notice that every student in any public school classroom in the United States should have the same digital opportunity as all other students.

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Image result for equitable digital access in the classroom


Image result for equitable digital access in the classroom

Seek first to understand.  Recognize your students' current tech capabilities and their concerns. 

Try it out first.  Make sure you can understand the assignment.

Create a tech equity vision with your students.  What exactly is a "tech equity vision"? It's a fancy way to describe the act of involving your students in conversations about how tech use happens in your classroom (and beyond).

One student on the panel shared that his teacher had an "Absolutely No Late Work" policy, and when he couldn't turn in an online assignment due to lack of access at home, he simply received a zero on the assignment. Another student shared that her teacher gave a week between assigning online homework and turning it in, which allowed for more flexibility in finding access to a network.

